Blog: Scholar Practitioners Who Impact Future Change

Jacqueline Jenkins

May 6, 2021


Explain your responsibility as a practitioner to lead evaluation initiatives.

It’s my responsibility to help all stakeholders understand the primary purpose of the evaluations and how important the data they provide. As a Professionals, I want to help young children achieve success and to have every opportunity afforded to them. As a Professionals, it’s my responsibility to understand the evaluation and material to present all the information to all of the stakeholders. Leadership is an essential part of being a responsible scholar-practitioner. According to Kouzes &Posner, a crucial component of leadership is choice. Regardless of how extensively a person is trained in leadership skills or how they are thrust into a leadership position, they must make a conscious choice to accept that role (Kouzes & Posner,2007).

Explain what might be my most significant barrier and /or most crucial downfall to avoid when leading program evaluation and why.

The most significant barrier I see is parental support. Parents must understand what their own children are learning at school and the evaluations that are taken. Young children need academic help at home. I see this more and more every day.  Parent’s involvement in their child's learning and development through activities at home and at their school really affects their literacy, mathematics, and social-emotional skills (McQuiggan, M., Megra, M). It is my goal to increase overall family involvement at my Childcare Center.

Describe how you might minimize this barrier and /or downfall to ensure that evaluations are effective.

One effective way to gain parental support is to create a positive classroom and school environment where young children and their parents feel very welcome. In turn, this will build a positive relationship with teachers and the school. Having a positive and productive learning environment is the key to young children's academic, emotional and social success. How some schools communicate and interact with the parents affects the extent and quality of the parent's home involvement with their children learning. Parents can benefit from being involved in their child's learning by getting more ideas from the schools to help support their children and learn more about the school‘s academic program's mission and evaluations and how they work. Parents and young children want to feel valued. I want to make a lasting impact on the  childcare program of today’s



Kouzes, J.M., & Posner, B.Z. (2007). The leadership Challenge (4th ed). San Franciso, Ca: Jossey- Bass.

McQuiggan, M., Megra, M., National Center for Education Statistics, (., & American Institutes for Research, (. (2017). Parent and Involvement in Education: Results from the National Household Education Surveys Program of 2016. First Look.



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